It’s Your Call August 2022

dont feed the phish

OSHA: How should our office prepare for persons who have been exposed to monkeypox? First and foremost, train your employees. They should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of monkeypox. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent potential exposures and know how to treat. Symptoms are typically flu-like with a rash […]

It’s Your Call July 2022

Password Save

OSHA: Our office provides laser treatment. What OSHA specific regulation(s) address laser plume (smoke)? Currently, OSHA has no specific standards for laser/electrosurgery plume hazards but note that smoke byproduct could produce upper respiratory irritation, cause potential in-vitro mutagenesis, and generate infectious viral fragments. Thus, OSHA could cite under these two regulations: 134(a)(1)-Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment […]

It’s Your Call June 2022

monkey pox

HIPAA: TRUE OR FALSE: It is a good idea to respond to a patient who posts an issue or a negative review online so everyone can see that your practice is helpful and caring. A: FALSE! Even though it is the patient who posts information about their visit or health condition, if your practice’s reply […]

It’s Your Call May 2022

Infection Control Alert: The CDC is encouraging physicians to consider adenovirus testing for children with symptoms of Hepatitis of unknown origin. Hepatitis symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, light-colored stools, joint pain, and jaundice. It can also be caused by other viruses. Adenoviruses cause cold-like symptoms, fever, sore […]

It’s Your Call April 2022

OSHA: Our healthcare facility checks COVID-19 community levels to monitor transmission rates in our county. Will the Community Levels determine the preventive steps for our office? No. The CDC states “healthcare settings should continue to use Community Transmission Rates and continue to follow CDC’s infection prevention and control recommendations for healthcare settings.” When viewing Community Transmission […]

It’s Your Call March 2022

OSHA: What are some other common airborne pathogens aside from covid-19 that our office should keep in mind? Chickenpox Mumps Measles Anthrax Diphtheria Meningitis Common cold/Whooping Cough Asperigillosis Tuberculosis (TB) If there is potential for exposures to airborne pathogens, employees must wear appropriate PPE such as N95 respirators or greater and restrict susceptible employees from […]

It’s Your Call February 2022

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OSHA: Has OSHA relaxed any of the covid-19 guidance for employers? No. Although the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) has been withdrawn, OSHA is working towards a permanent regulatory solution and will enforce the general duty clause and general standards. Therefore, employers should continue to provide adequate protections against covid-19 for healthcare employees. This includes, but […]

It’s Your Call January 2022

OSHA pandemic2022 jan

OSHA: What were the top Federal OSHA citations in healthcare during the pandemic? The penalties below were retrieved from OSHA’s webpage listing industry specific citations from October 2020 to September 2021. HIPAA: My co-worker is loud when he talks to patients.  Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule say anything about talking to patients if one might […]

It’s Your Call December 2021

OSHA: What is the frequency for fit testing per OSHA? The OSHA regulations state the following: 1910.134(f)(2) The employer shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator facepiece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually […]

It’s Your Call November 2021

vintage phone

OSHA Trivia:  When was the Occupational Safety and Health Administration established by Congress? OSHA was established by Congress under President Richard Nixon on April 18, 1971. Before that date, very few states had decent worker protection laws. Workers could only accept dangerous conditions or find a new job. Presently, employers have a greater responsibility to […]