It’s Your Call – June 2023

healthcare workplace violence

OSHA reflections: Workplace violence directed toward healthcare workers has increased over the last few years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It has been attributed to dementia, delirium, drug and/or alcohol abuse and withdrawal, mental illness, trauma, facility location, and specific facility services. These findings and statistics have led OSHA to work toward rulemaking […]

It’s Your Call – May 2023

hepatitis b vaccine documentation

Question: We recently hired a new clinical worker who received the Hepatitis B vaccine series but can only provide documentation for the titer. Is the titer sufficient? Answer: No. A clinical employee is considered immune with provider-documented proof of the Hepatitis B series AND a positive anti-HBs (titer). When proof cannot be provided, the employee […]

It’s Your Call – April 2023

safety data sheet

OSHA: If our office has the current Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for a product, do we have to keep the old one? No, the old SDS can be discarded if the original formulation is the same. When the formulation is different, the employer must keep both the old and current SDS for 30 years.   […]

It’s Your Call – March 2023

OSHA violations

What is the current Federal OSHA citation for a serious violation? The maximum penalty is $15,625 per violation for serious, other-than-serious, posting requirements, and failure to abate. The employer must post the OSHA citation(s) immediately near the alleged violation and shall ensure that the citation is not altered, defaced, or concealed. More information can be […]

It’s Your Call – February 2023

OSHA: Are paper copies of OSHA posters required or can offices display them electronically? Yes, paper copies are required. The 1903.2 Standard also states: “Such notice or notices shall be posted by the employer in each establishment in a conspicuous place or places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Each employer shall take steps […]

It’s Your Call – January 2023

it's your call July 2024

OSHA: Which devices use lithium-ion batteries, and what are the concerns? Lithium-ion batteries are used to charge computers, phones, and medical devices such as dental curing lights, cardiac pacemakers, bone-growth stimulators, and glucose monitoring systems. According to The International Association of Fire & Rescue Services, battery-related fires have increased in the last 6 years, although […]

It’s Your Call – December 2022

exit sign

OSHA: How many exit routes are necessary in the workplace? Per OSHA, at least two exit routes must be available for prompt and safe evacuation during an emergency, and these two routes must be located as far away from each other as practical. Single exit routes are permitted when the number of employees, building size, […]

It’s Your Call – November 2022

image that says true or false

HIPAA: True or False: If a practice has a website, a current copy of its HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) must be available there. True. The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires covered entities to post the current version of its NPP at a prominent location on their website. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) clarified […]

It’s Your Call – October 2022

OSHA: Does OSHA require our office to have written policies and protocols about workplace violence?

OSHA:  Does OSHA require our office to have written policies and protocols about workplace violence? OSHA has no specific standard for workplace violence. However, they could cite a facility under the General Duty Clause which requires employers to provide their employees with a place of employment that is “free from recognized hazards that are causing […]

It’s Your Call – September 2022


OSHA: If we have an employee less than a year, are we obligated to keep their medical records? No, the medical record can be given to the worker upon termination if they were employed less than a year. Medical records would include medical and employment questionnaires, laboratory tests, pre-employment exams, first aid records, treatment descriptions […]