It’s Your Call – October 2023

HIPAA password policy OSHA transport containers

HIPAA: Why is a Password Policy Important? One of the critical aspects of achieving HIPAA compliance is enforcing a mandatory password policy. Failing to do so could have severe consequences that compromise patient privacy and expose healthcare entities to a range of other negative outcomes. 1. Vulnerability to Data Breaches: Without a stringent password policy […]

It’s Your Call – September 2023

HIPAA: What is the difference between Phishing, Vishing, and Smishing? Phishing, vishing, and smishing are all types of cybercrimes that involve social engineering techniques to deceive individuals and gain unauthorized access to personal information, such as passwords, credit card details, or financial data. While they share similarities, each term refers to a specific method used […]

It’s Your Call – August 2023

HIPAA compliance and social media

HIPAA: How do I ensure HIPAA Compliance in patient communication on social media direct messaging? Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become powerful tools for healthcare organizations to engage with patients and provide valuable health-related information. However, healthcare professionals must exercise caution when responding to patient private messages on these […]

It’s Your Call – July 2023

HIPAA snooping and OSHA fire extinguishers

HIPAA: What is snooping under the HIPAA Privacy Rule? Snooping, in the context of HIPAA, refers to unauthorized access or inappropriate disclosure of someone’s personal health information (PHI) by individuals who have access to it in their professional capacity but do not have a legitimate need to know or use that information. Snooping is a […]

It’s Your Call – June 2023

healthcare workplace violence

OSHA reflections: Workplace violence directed toward healthcare workers has increased over the last few years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It has been attributed to dementia, delirium, drug and/or alcohol abuse and withdrawal, mental illness, trauma, facility location, and specific facility services. These findings and statistics have led OSHA to work toward rulemaking […]

It’s Your Call – May 2023

hepatitis b vaccine documentation

Question: We recently hired a new clinical worker who received the Hepatitis B vaccine series but can only provide documentation for the titer. Is the titer sufficient? Answer: No. A clinical employee is considered immune with provider-documented proof of the Hepatitis B series AND a positive anti-HBs (titer). When proof cannot be provided, the employee […]

It’s Your Call – April 2023

safety data sheet

OSHA: If our office has the current Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for a product, do we have to keep the old one? No, the old SDS can be discarded if the original formulation is the same. When the formulation is different, the employer must keep both the old and current SDS for 30 years.   […]

It’s Your Call – March 2023

OSHA violations

What is the current Federal OSHA citation for a serious violation? The maximum penalty is $15,625 per violation for serious, other-than-serious, posting requirements, and failure to abate. The employer must post the OSHA citation(s) immediately near the alleged violation and shall ensure that the citation is not altered, defaced, or concealed. More information can be […]

It’s Your Call – February 2023

OSHA: Are paper copies of OSHA posters required or can offices display them electronically? Yes, paper copies are required. The 1903.2 Standard also states: “Such notice or notices shall be posted by the employer in each establishment in a conspicuous place or places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Each employer shall take steps […]

It’s Your Call – January 2023

it's your call July 2024

OSHA: Which devices use lithium-ion batteries, and what are the concerns? Lithium-ion batteries are used to charge computers, phones, and medical devices such as dental curing lights, cardiac pacemakers, bone-growth stimulators, and glucose monitoring systems. According to The International Association of Fire & Rescue Services, battery-related fires have increased in the last 6 years, although […]