It’s Your Call February 2021

Vaccine shot

OSHA: If an employee is exposed to Hepatitis C, how soon after the exposure can infection be detected? Acute infection is typically detected as early as 1-2 weeks using qualitative nucleic acid tests to determine the presence and levels of HCV RNA. HIPAA: Can patients be scheduled for COVID-19 vaccinations using an online or web-based […]


When a minor becomes an adult, they become the owner of their medical record.  Here are a couple of things to consider: When does a minor become an adult; What does the practice need to do to ensure proper handling of the record according to HIPAA. A minor can become an adult in several ways. […]

It’s your Call January 2021


OSHA: What is the current recommendation for Hepatitis C, baseline testing for the source patient? The CDC’s updated guidance provides two options. Option A would be the preferred method of testing the source patient for HCV RNA to determine if there is a current infection. Option B would be testing the source patient for hepatitis C […]

It’s Your Call December 2020

lung spray from cough

OSHA: Sars-Cov-2 (covid-19) is spread primarily through ____________. Fill in the blank. Answer: Respiratory droplet transmission with close contact (less than 6 feet). Airborne transmission can also occur in enclosed spaces, during prolonged exposure to respiratory droplets, and with inadequate ventilation. HIPAA: What is the 21st Century Cures Act?  It is a rule that is […]

21st Century Cures Act and Patient Data

patient access to health information

In March, the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) issued new rules to prevent health care providers, developers of certified health IT, and others in the healthcare industry from engaging in activities that block a patient’s access to their electronic health information. Building on the 21st Century Cures Act, these […]

STOP the Spread of Infection: What to Know

Science and Lab Research virus

There are many processes that must be followed in order to stop the spread of infection and prevent a susceptible individual from becoming ill. The individual could be the patient or the worker. This year is particularly challenging as we face the beginning of the influenza season while dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic. In […]

A Simple Inventory List Can Reduce Risk

inventory list

Keeping track of your equipment, office furniture, and similar items for financial purposes is a routine part of business. It is tough to protect something if you do not know where it is or that it even exists. That is why making an inventory list of devices and software your office owns and uses, particularly […]

It’s Your Call November 2020 – Answers to OSHA and HIPAA Questions

Written Respiratory Protection Plan cover

It’s not uncommon for teams to have questions regarding OSHA and HIPAA regulations. We’ve outlined the following answers to some of the most common OSHA and HIPAA questions. OSHA: Which of the following requirements are necessary with the implementation of a Respiratory Protection Plan? Choose one. Written plan only Written plan and medical evaluation Written […]

Pandemic Preparedness Plan

Pandemic Preparedness Plan

  TMC is pleased to provide an updated, more robust Pandemic Preparedness Plan. The updated plans include a very thorough Hazard Assessment Certificate, worker and visitor screening logs, and a tracking document for the ordering of respirators and other PPE and fit testing supplies. These PDF fillable plans, specific to medical and dental are complimentary […]

Respiratory Protection in Healthcare

TMC Respiratory Protection Plan

March of 2020 marked the beginning of a new era in public health. Healthcare workers and compliance experts in infection prevention and control have been busy keeping up with everything there is to learn about the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the corresponding changes needed to provide safe health care such as proper respiratory protection. Wearing […]