It’s Your Call July 2020

contact tracing

OSHA: How does the contact tracing process work? Local and state health departments use contact tracing to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, a case investigator from the health department may contact you about your health, discuss who you’ve been in close contact with, and ask where you’ve been […]

Back to Work during COVID-19: OSHA Info for Medical & Dental Practices

Everyone is headed back to work. Businesses are slowly reopening, and we are all trying to figure out how to make “the new normal” work for us. It is an exciting time that it is also filled with a considerable amount of anxiety. Some workers may feel it is too soon to be back in […]

It’s your Call June 2020

measels and mumps anti virus concept

OSHA: What should our office do to ensure that we have ample personal protective equipment (PPE) onsite? Prepare an inventory of items that are currently in the office, calculate the burn rate, and consider the CDC’s strategies to optimize PPE.   A PPE burn rate calculator created by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health […]

HIPAA Audit Logs – Not as Scary as You Think

man signing pictures HIPAA

HIPAA requires regular monitoring and review of user logins and activity in software and on networks.  These reports are generally referred to as audit logs. They can help identify system performance issues as well as security incidents and breaches. You might think of them as a very detailed internet browser history report. All machines, networks, […]

It’s your Call May 2020

close up of doctors using telehealth

OSHA Our office has seen several patients who tested positive for COVID19. Should gloves, gowns, patient napkins, masks & other waste be discarded differently? No. Medical and general waste (trash) that come from healthcare facilities treating COVID19 patients is no different than waste coming from facilities without COVID-19 patients. Routine procedures should be performed according […]

Getting Back to Work with COVID-19

triage questionaire

As practices are turning the corner and looking to the future, there may be many questions that need answers prior to ramping up the business. This webinar will provide a review of the most recent guidance on the protection of workers and patients as healthcare strives to return to some sort of normalcy. Included with […]

COVID-19 Puts Telehealth and Security in the Spotlight


The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced that it is relaxing enforcement on the use of certain telehealth solutions during the COVID-19 response in order to protect patients and providers from unnecessary exposure. Using telehealth during a public health emergency enables healthcare professionals to continue to provide routine care for patients like medication checks and […]

COVID-19 Privacy Challenges

TMC keeping you updated on COVID-19

In times of crisis, processing the influx of information can be like drinking water from a firehose. It can be difficult to just take what you need and keep moving especially when important information is about topics on which you may not feel well oriented. But despite the emergency, it’s critical that your practice protects […]

It’s your Call April 2020


OSHA: How many COVID19 tests has the FDA granted? Twenty-two in vitro diagnostic tests has been granted to developers as of March 30, 2020. These tests are human samples that can be taken from blood or tissue and are used to detect diseases or other conditions. More than 100 laboratories have begun using their own […]


The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the US Department of Health and Human Services issued an alert on Friday, April 3, 2020, regarding an individual who has been contacting HIPAA covered entities posing as an OCR investigator in an attempt to obtain protected health information. The imposter does not provide an OCR compliant transaction […]