Who should be your OSHA and HIPAA compliance officer?

OSHA HIPAA compliance officer

Let’s be honest here; most OSHA and HIPAA healthcare Compliance Officers are chosen because they are the ones on the staff with the most time, and that’s usually the newest people.  While this idea seems logical it can cause a lot of problems in the long run.  There are drawbacks in choosing a compliance officer. […]

COVID-19: What Now?

COVID -19 Plus Influenza: The Perfect Storm

Numbers of new cases of COVID-19 infections are at the lowest they have been in months. In fact, many states, as well as counties, are easing restrictions such as mask mandates indoors. These decisions are based on new tools created by the CDC to reduce risk of exposure and possibly infection and to reduce the […]

The Best Way to Prevent an OSHA Inspection

Most OSHA inspections in healthcare practices are brought about by employee complaints and can be preventable. You may think that disgruntled ex-employees are doing the reporting. That does happen frequently, but OSHA is aware of these kinds of retaliatory complaints and weighs that factor into their determination on whether to send you a letter or […]


A lot of our clients ask us what the OSHA penalty is for a particular violation. OSHA citations and the accompanying penalties do not work that way. There is no schedule that says an overfilled sharps container is $900 or failure to provide appropriate protective equipment is $2500. OSHA citations are based on failure to […]

OSHA COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)

Two laws were enacted last week that affect healthcare facilities of which you should be aware. Both revolve around COVID-19 vaccination of employees. One is the new OSHA COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard and the other is the Centers for Medicare + Medicaid Services (CMS) Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Interim Final […]

Tennessee adopted Occupational Safety and Health Standards Covid-19 Emergency Temporary Rule

TMC is providing this information for healthcare workers in the state of Tennessee. Tennessee has adopted Chapter 0800-01-12 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Covid-19 Emergency Temporary Rule. Many outpatient medical + dental practices, will be exempt from the requirements of this rule. Non-hospital-based ambulatory care settings will be able to claim the exemption by demonstrating […]

COVID Exposure or Infection? Next Steps


Determining the next steps when a worker has symptoms or has been exposed to COVD-19 can be tricky. First let’s review the definition of exposure: Being within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. An individual can spread the infection for 48 hours […]

OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS): Are You Exempt?

store ETS online course

In January of 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order which directed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to take action to reduce the risk that workers may contract COVID-19. As a result of that order, Federal OSHA issued the OSHA COVID-19 ETS on June 21, 2021. The OSHA COVID-19 ETS applies to employers […]


Safety Syringe Needle Cover

The FDA is issuing an alert on Haiou safety needles as well as recommending healthcare providers stop using certain syringes and needles with needle safety devices manufactured by Guangdong Haiou Medical Apparatus Co., LTD. The FDA received information about quality issues, including certain Haiou needles detaching from the syringe and needle safety device failures. 1ml […]


One of the most common questions we receive is “Is OSHA required or just recommended?”  This question has been especially prevalent during the current pandemic. People want to know if they really have to follow the rule or if it is merely a suggestion. However, that is not what the words mean when it comes […]