Voluntary Respirator Use
When an employer does not mandate the use of a respirator or require one due to an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard, they may still allow employees to use their own, provided they do not introduce additional hazards. Referred to as “voluntary use” under the Respiratory Protection Standard, the employer must provide employees […]
It’s Your Call – September 2024
OSHA: TRUE or FALSE? Federal law requires employers to notify OSHA of a work-related hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye within 24 hours of the incident? TRUE: Standard Number 1904.39(a)(3) states you must report inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye within 24 hours using one of the following methods: By telephone or in-person to the OSHA […]
OSHA’s New Severe Injury Report Dashboard
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) introduced a new online tool to enhance workplace safety awareness. This tool allows users to search its extensive severe injury report database and analyze trends related to workplace injuries in states under federal OSHA jurisdiction. The Severe Injury Report dashboard makes […]
Staying Ahead of Respiratory Illness Season: Best Practices for Healthcare Workers
Respiratory illness season is fast approaching once again and typically peaks in fall and winter. The CDC expects that the upcoming fall and winter virus season will likely have a similar or lower peak number of combined hospitalizations from COVID-19, influenza (flu), and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) compared to last year. At the time of […]
Why Healthcare Workers Face the Highest Rates of Workplace Injuries and How Ergonomics Can Help
When thinking about the risk of injury on the job, what industry takes the top spot for rates of injury? One may be surprised to learn that healthcare workers experience the highest injury rates of any industry. This statistic is alarming: Those who dedicate their lives to caring for others suffer more on-the-job injuries than […]
OSHA Heat Standard: What Medical and Dental Offices Need to Know
As temperatures rose this summer and heat waves hit the country, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has implemented a new heat standard for employers. This standard aims to safeguard workers across various industries from heat-related injury and illness. As a result of this standard, medical and dental offices have important obligations to consider […]
It’s Your Call – August 2024
HIPAA: Why is regular testing of a Disaster Recovery Plan important? Regular testing ensures the plan’s effectiveness, identifies weaknesses, and trains staff in their roles during a disaster. HIPAA mandates at least annual testing, but more frequent tests are advisable for optimal preparedness. OSHA: Does OSHA enforce ergonomics in the workplace? Under OSHA’s General […]
How to Clean and Disinfect Environmental Surfaces in Healthcare Settings
Environmental surfaces are the surfaces of equipment, chairs, furniture, walls, and flooring. It is essential that they are cleaned and disinfected between each patient or on a routine basis. Environmental surfaces, also categorized as clinical contact or housekeeping surfaces, are all considered non-critical surfaces. Environmental surfaces do not contact patients directly; however, they can become […]
How Effective Infection Control Programs Protect Patients and Providers Alike
Infection prevention and control is the field dedicated to preventing healthcare-associated infections. The World Health Organization defines infection prevention and control as a “practical, evidence -based approach to prevent patients and healthcare workers from becoming infected by avoidable infections.” Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control defines it as the measures taken to “prevent or stop […]
It’s Your Call – June 2024
OSHA/Infection Control: Can you refuse to use a safety device for a sharp instrument on the basis that it costs too much? By law, you must review your sharps (any device that cuts or punctures the skin) every year. Any new safety devices that have the potential to be safer than what you are using must […]