Failures in stethoscope hygiene can lead to patient infections

Hand hygiene has received much more attention than stethoscope hygiene, but microbiology data shows that stethoscope contamination after a single exam is comparable to that of the physician’s dominant hand. Infection control guidelines from the CDC state that re-usable medical equipment, such as stethoscopes, must undergo disinfection between patients with alcohol swabs, alcohol gel, or […]

Injection Infection Outbreak

injection infection

Compliance with industry standard infection control guidelines is good for patients, employees, and practices. Failure to follow them can result in an injection infection outbreak. Earlier this year, a small staph outbreak at a pain clinic resulted in the death of an elderly patient. Incidents like this can be avoided with proper hand-hygiene and preparation […]

OSAP Diversifies Board Strength and Acumen: 2017 – 2018 Board of Directors and Foundation Board of Directors Announcement

2017-2018 OSAP Board of Directors

  July 6, 2017 (ATLANTA, GA) — The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), a community of clinicians, educators, consultants, researchers and industry representatives who advocate for safe and infection-free delivery of oral healthcare, has announced the members of the 2017-2018 OSAP Board of Directors and the 2017-2018 OSAP Foundation Board of Directors. The […]

No More Bugs – Part 1

Infection Control – Back to Basics! Infection prevention and control is more than the sum of a task list, appropriate equipment, and written policies and procedures. They are all important elements and the foundation of a strong infection control program and a culture of safety for every healthcare environment. From leader to volunteers, everyone must […]

Safe Injection Practices

Safe Injection Practices to Avoid Patient Infection

A medical facility that specialized in treating knee pain, in Wall, New Jersey voluntarily closed its doors in March 2017 after at least 30 patients developed infections. The cause of the infections was improperly handled injections. Don’t let this happen to you! Follow safe injection practices to avoid patient infection. For the full story, follow […]

Sending the Right Message: A Safety Checklist

First impressions count, and the way your office appears to patients, potential new employees or OSHA inspectors, should send the right message. Using a safety checklist can help. Does your practice look well-organized, efficient, and safety centered?  The next time you enter your office, walk in the front door and visualize the space as a […]

Is Our Facility Required to Use Engineered Safety Devices?

Looking for more information on using engineered safety devices? We get a lot of questions at TMC about the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) standard requirement to use engineering controls, specifically sharps with engineered sharps protection often referred to as safety devices. Here are some specifics and resources you might find helpful if you are looking […]

Ban on Powdered Gloves

Effective January 18, 2017, the FDA has issued a ban on the manufacturing, distribution or use of powdered gloves. Below is a statement included in the Final Rule: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) has determined that Powdered Surgeon’s Gloves, Powdered Patient Examination Gloves, and Absorbable Powder for Lubricating a Surgeon’s Glove present […]

Zika Likely Here to Stay

The Zika virus was a hot topic at CityLab 2016 held in Miami, FL, the last week in October. This annual gathering of global mayors and urban leaders was presented by the Aspen Institute, The Atlantic, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. The Brazilian outbreak last winter was the first time most Americans had ever heard of the […]