Did you know we have TMC OSHA and HIPAA web badges available for clients?

web badges

Did you know we have TMC OSHA and HIPAA web badges available? TMC OSHA and HIPAA web badges are available for clients who want to have something on their website that shows they have partnered with TMC for OSHA and HIPAA compliance. A web badge is a small image with our link used on websites […]

The Emergency Preparedness Act and Active Shooter Protocol

Congress passed a new set of laws on emergency preparedness and active shooter protocol that will go into effect on 11/15/2017.

Congress passed a new set of laws on emergency preparedness and active shooter protocol that will go into effect on 11/15/2017. These laws are part of Medicare/Medicaid. The rule addresses concerns regarding the ability of healthcare facilities to plan and execute appropriate emergency response procedures for disasters, both manmade (e.g. terrorism, shooters) and natural (e.g. […]

Four Critical Steps in Instrument Processing

infection control instrument processing

(Updated June 2019) Patient safety is at the center of many conversations in the health care community. While many processes may impact the safety of a patient, appropriate instrument processing should rank at the top of the list of safety priorities. In this article, we will address four critical steps in instrument processing, but before […]

It’s Your Call November 2017

OSHA:  Your local news has just reported an increase in active TB cases. What employee documents should be in place in light of this information?

Cover Your Cough: Stop the Spread of Germs

Flu outbreaks

It is October, and depending on where you are, there may be a chill in the air and sniffles everywhere! In fact, many states have already reported positive influenza cases which follows the typical outbreak pattern. Influenza cases typically peak between the months of December through February. The time is now to prepare your facility, […]

The Lonely Eyewash Station

By Karen L. Murphy, RDH, MAOM It’s sad but true. The lonely eyewash station often goes unnoticed, unappreciated and unwanted. In fact, you may even have wondered at some point if your practice really needs one. Medical and dental offices are laced with chemicals, airborne particles, fumes, dust and infectious materials. We fearlessly rely on […]

OSHA: When to Train and Retrain?

One of the first questions an OSHA investigator will ask after an incident occurs is: “Did the employee receive adequate training to do their job safely?” How often does your office do safety training and what kinds of things do you train? Workplace safety under the OSH Act requires employers to provide a safe and […]

Dental Antibiotics and C diff

The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) is raising the alarm about antibiotics prescribed by dentists and a possible connection to rising cases of Clostridium difficile. Researchers from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) conducted a study and found that 15% of the patients diagnosed with community-associated C difficile infection (CA CDI) between […]

It’s Your Call October 2017

OSHA Secondary Labels

OSHA:  Secondary Labels Is our office required to use GHS labeling on secondary labels? Yes, GHS labeling is required on secondary labels. There are two options for secondary/workplace labels. OSHA regulation 1910.1200(f)(6) states that each container should be labeled, tagged, or marked with either: Option 1:  Product identifier, signal word, hazard statement(s), pictogram(s), and precautionary […]

Lunch is on us!

Referral Rewards

It pays to be a Total Medical Compliance client We know that we wouldn’t be the company we are today without the endorsement and recommendation of our loyal clients. As a thank you, Total Medical Compliance offers our Referral Rewards Program. When you refer a practice to us and they become a client, lunch is on […]