TMC Articles

It’s Your Call May 2022

Infection Control Alert: The CDC is encouraging physicians to consider adenovirus testing for children with symptoms of Hepatitis of unknown origin. Hepatitis symptoms include fever,

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It’s Your Call April 2022

OSHA: Our healthcare facility checks COVID-19 community levels to monitor transmission rates in our county. Will the Community Levels determine the preventive steps for our

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COVID -19 Plus Influenza: The Perfect Storm

COVID-19: What Now?

Numbers of new cases of COVID-19 infections are at the lowest they have been in months. In fact, many states, as well as counties, are

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It’s Your Call March 2022

OSHA: What are some other common airborne pathogens aside from covid-19 that our office should keep in mind? Chickenpox Mumps Measles Anthrax Diphtheria Meningitis Common

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infection control

Creating a Safe Practice

First impressions count. Do you know what is the first impression patients have of your practice? Does it include safety? Hopefully your office appearance says

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Your practice has received a subpoena for client records. What do you need to do? Don’t panic. This is not unusual. There are several things

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