Any bloodborne exposure should be considered an emergency situation and yet most practices are at best minimally prepared. This session will examine situations that should be considered and exposure and the proper process to follow for both the source patient and the exposed individual. Prevention measures will be discussed. Objectives: Discuss three different types of exposure events. Discuss the post-exposure process for the source patient and the exposed individual. List three measures to prevent exposure events.
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Course Objectives:
- Discuss three different types of exposure events
- Discuss the post-exposure process for the source patient and the exposed individual
- List three measures to prevent exposure events
Lecturer – Karen Gregory, RN has over 20 years of experience working in the outpatient environment, both at the front line delivering patient care and in the management arena. She is passionate about both employee and patient safety and takes every possible opportunity to improve the quality of healthcare for all involved. Karen is currently the Director of Compliance and Education for Total Medical Compliance where she develops compliance materials in addition to training consultants, as well as clients. She is a frequent speaker for professional organizations and at conferences nationwide on OSHA, HIPAA, and Infection Control. Karen has been selected as a Hu-Friedy Key Opinion Leader, is on the Editorial Review Board for the OSAP publication Infection Control in Practice, and serves on the Board of Directors for OSAP.