It’s Your Call – September 2024

OSHA: TRUE or FALSE? Federal law requires employers to notify OSHA of a work-related hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye within 24 hours of the incident?

TRUE: Standard Number 1904.39(a)(3) states you must report inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye within 24 hours using one of the following methods:

  • By telephone or in-person to the OSHA Area Office nearest the incident’s site.
  • By telephone to the OSHA toll-free number, 1-800-321-OSHA (1-800-321-6742).
  • By electronic submission using the reporting application on OSHA’s website at


HIPAA: Why do healthcare providers need specialized healthcare IT providers instead of regular IT providers?

Healthcare IT providers are essential because they understand the unique requirements of healthcare organizations, particularly when it comes to regulatory compliance like HIPAA, patient data security, and industry-specific software integration. Regular IT providers may not be equipped to handle the strict privacy standards and specialized technology needs of medical practices, putting sensitive patient data at risk and potentially exposing the provider to legal consequences. Healthcare IT providers ensure both the functionality and legal security necessary for medical operations.