It’s Your Call July 2021

OSHA: What should we know about the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant?

The B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant is a mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and it has been reported in 77 countries including the United States and in the United Kingdom. Of the 3 variant classifications, the Delta variant is considered a variant of concern (VOC) because it has the potential to spread from person to person easily and quickly. If more are vaccinated, the virus is less likely to spread and mutate. It is important to continue to follow the CDC, state, and local guidance to minimize your risk of exposure.

HIPAA:  How do you know if a link in an email is safe to click?

  1. Click on it and hope for the best
  2. Assume no links are safe and delete the email
  3. Hover over the link before clicking to see if the popup address is accurate

Answer:  C

The following example is unsafe for several reasons, here are 2 that can be spotted right away:

  1. The email address is not from the IRS. IRS email addresses end in, much like email addresses from the OCR end in
  2. The email address in the very long link does not match the sender’s email address.