It’s Your Call December 2019

OSHA: How long do we keep records of the monthly fire extinguisher inspection?fire extingusisher

OSHA regulation 1910.157(e)(3) says the tag/record must be kept for one year past the last entry or the life of the shell, whichever is less. If the last entry is 9/19/2019, the ticket can be discarded on 9/19/2020.

HIPAA: Are there any specific cyber threats that our office should be mindful of?

Phishing and social engineering, ransomware, and internal attacks continue to be issues. Several resources say that the Internet of Things (IoT) will create potential vulnerabilities.  Examples include wireless devices like fitness bands, glucometers, blood pressure monitoring, ultrasounds, printers, and digital scanners.  According to Healthcare IT, many of these devices are not receiving security updates and could potentially become an entry point for hackers.  Be sure to share all equipment and devices with your IT professional and secure all entry points.