It’s your Call May 2018

OSHA: What is the risk of Hepatitis C infection from a needlestick exposure to a positive Hepatitis C patient? There is .1% risk of infection after a needlestick or sharps exposure to Hepatitis C (HCV) positive blood. In the event of occupational exposure, CDC guidance suggests testing the source patient for HCV RNA which can […]

It’s Your Call April 2018

caution signs

It’s Your Call OSHA: Does your office have caution signs?  If so, are the signs OSHA compliant? Caution signs are meant to warn against potential hazards like hot surfaces or wet floors. OSHA requires a specific design for these signs. The sigh should have a yellow background and a black panel with yellow letters. Any […]

It’s Your Call March 2018

OSHA: Why does the water from the eyewash need to be tepid? OSHA refers to the 2014 ANSI standard Z358.1 which states that the water temperature delivered by emergency equipment should be tepid. Tepid is defined to be between 60°F (16°C) and 100°F (38°C). Citations may be issued under OSHA standard CFR 1910.151 if the drenching/flushing […]

It’s Your Call February 2018

OSHA: Employees have complained about headaches and breathing problems when they work in a specific part of our building. What should I do? Foremost, the complaints should not be ignored. If employees have similar symptoms that appear to resolve after leaving the building or specific work area, then contact a vendor to test indoor air […]

It’s your Call January 2018


HIPAA: Do I need a Business Associate Agreement for the cleaning service? No. A business associate agreement is not required with persons or businesses whose function does not involve the use or disclosure of protected health information (PHI) and where any access would be incidental. This includes janitorial service staff whose access is only a […]

It’s Your Call December 2017

ergonomic hazard

OSHA Can OSHA cite my office for an alleged ergonomic hazard? Yes. Under the General Duty Clause, OSHA will issue a citation if an ergonomic hazard exists, is recognized, and is causing, or is likely to cause physical harm to an employee. Applying ergonomic principles in the workplace can substantially reduce the number of musculoskeletal […]

It’s Your Call November 2017

OSHA:  Your local news has just reported an increase in active TB cases. What employee documents should be in place in light of this information?

It’s Your Call October 2017

OSHA Secondary Labels

OSHA:  Secondary Labels Is our office required to use GHS labeling on secondary labels? Yes, GHS labeling is required on secondary labels. There are two options for secondary/workplace labels. OSHA regulation 1910.1200(f)(6) states that each container should be labeled, tagged, or marked with either: Option 1:  Product identifier, signal word, hazard statement(s), pictogram(s), and precautionary […]

It’s Your Call September 2017

fire drills

OSHA:  Does OSHA require annual fire drills?   No. However, annual fire drills are strongly suggested. OSHA’s Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool, 1910.38(f), employers must review the emergency action plan with each employee covered by the plan: When the plan is developed or the employee is assigned initially to a job; When the employee’s responsibility […]

It’s Your Call August 2017

ergonomic hazard

OSHA Are your new employees providing evidence of baseline TB skin tests upon hire? Should you be testing annually?   The CDC recommends a baseline TB skin test upon hire for healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers who have face to face contact or potential exposures to TB infected patients. There are 2 options for testing: […]