It’s Your Call – August 2024

HIPAA: Why is regular testing of a Disaster Recovery Plan important? Regular testing ensures the plan’s effectiveness, identifies weaknesses, and trains staff in their roles during a disaster. HIPAA mandates at least annual testing, but more frequent tests are advisable for optimal preparedness.   OSHA: Does OSHA enforce ergonomics in the workplace? Under OSHA’s General […]

It’s Your Call – July 2024

it's your call July 2024

HIPAA: Do surveillance cameras breach HIPAA regulations? Since HIPAA mandates the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI), installing video cameras can result in a violation if they are not placed correctly or used appropriately.   Infection Control: What is the difference between universal, standard, and transmission-based precautions in preventing the spread of infection? Universal precautions […]

It’s Your Call – June 2024

sharps safety device

OSHA/Infection Control: Can you refuse to use a safety device for a sharp instrument on the basis that it costs too much? By law, you must review your sharps (any device that cuts or punctures the skin) every year. Any new safety devices that have the potential to be safer than what you are using must […]

It’s Your Call – May 2024

OSHA: Would OSHA inspect our office if a patient files a complaint about infection control? No. OSHA’s primary goal is to help employers and workers with compliance, reduce work hazards, and prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace. A quick fact sheet about OSHA inspections can be found at   HIPAA: What are […]

It’s Your Call – April 2024

HIPAA: As a small provider practice, can we afford cyber insurance? Investing in cyber insurance is crucial for small provider practices facing the growing threat of cyberattacks. While the cost may vary depending on factors like coverage level and practice size, the expense of cyber insurance is often far outweighed by the potential financial losses […]

It’s Your Call – March 2024

OSHA/Infection Control: What is the appropriate cleaning method for heavy duty utility gloves? It is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use because the methods vary.  Here are some variations that you may find: Autoclavable up to 5 times Not autoclavable. Wash with mild soap and water. Hang to dry.   HIPAA: We are […]

It’s Your Call – February 2024

sanctions policies and OSHA COVID requirements

OSHA: We have an employee out with COVID-19. What is the current timeline for healthcare workers to return to work? The CDC guidance says that employees experiencing a mild to moderate case of COVID-19 who are not moderately to severely immunocompromised may return to work after 7 days have passed since symptoms first occurred (day […]

It’s Your Call – January 2024

HIPAA: What happens if we employ an individual who is found to be on an exclusion list? If you employ an individual who has been sanctioned or excluded by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) from participating in federal health care programs, and that individual provides reimbursable items or services under such programs, you may […]

It’s Your Call – December 2023

HIPAA: What are prevalent healthcare scams during the holiday season? Email Phishing: Perpetrators adopt the personas of festive figures or reputable entities (e.g., charities) to entice recipients into clicking malicious links in emails. This tactic compromises personal data, including login credentials and credit card details. It is advised to verify authenticity by contacting the sender […]

It’s Your Call – November 2023

information blocking OIG

HIPAA: Who can be fined under the Information Blocking Rule and what are the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) priorities? Only certain entities are currently subject to an OIG information blocking penalty. They are: Health IT developers of certified health IT Entities offering certified health IT Health information exchanges Health information networks These penalties began […]