It’s Your Call – July 2024
HIPAA: Do surveillance cameras breach HIPAA regulations? Since HIPAA mandates the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI), installing video cameras can result in a violation if they are not placed correctly or used appropriately. Infection Control: What is the difference between universal, standard, and transmission-based precautions in preventing the spread of infection? Universal precautions […]
How Effective Infection Control Programs Protect Patients and Providers Alike
Infection prevention and control is the field dedicated to preventing healthcare-associated infections. The World Health Organization defines infection prevention and control as a “practical, evidence -based approach to prevent patients and healthcare workers from becoming infected by avoidable infections.” Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control defines it as the measures taken to “prevent or stop […]
Sterilization and Disinfection of Patient Care Items
Sterilization and disinfection of patient care items is a critical component to all medical and dental facilities. Understanding that there are different types of patient care items can help your company know how to best keep your patients and staff safe from cross contamination. Medical and dental instruments/devices are labeled by the manufacturer as either […]
Protecting Healthcare Workers: The Impact and Implementation of the Hepatitis B Vaccine
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B is a virus that can be easily prevented by the Hepatitis B vaccine. There has been a 98% occupational transmission decline of Hepatitis B since the vaccine has been available. Most who receive the vaccine will develop immunity to the Hepatitis B virus. Those who do […]
Guidelines and Best Practices for Dental Unit Waterline Maintenance
Dental unit waterline (DUWL) maintenance and monitoring remains an area of concern for dental facilities. Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and the ADA have issued guidance for dental offices on maintaining DUWL. It is the recommendation of these agencies that waterlines are to be treated with a disinfectant/chemical and then monitored (tested) to ensure […]
It’s Your Call – March 2024
OSHA/Infection Control: What is the appropriate cleaning method for heavy duty utility gloves? It is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use because the methods vary. Here are some variations that you may find: Autoclavable up to 5 times Not autoclavable. Wash with mild soap and water. Hang to dry. HIPAA: We are […]
Combatting Measles: Information and Training Measures for Healthcare Personnel
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), measles cases are on the rise. As of January 25th, the CDC reports nine measles cases in the U.S. so far this year. Cases have been reported in Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Additionally, several other countries have reported measles […]
Promoting Hand Hygiene in Healthcare: A Critical Measure for Infection Control
Hand hygiene is known to be the single most critical measure for reducing the transmission of organisms (infectious agents) to patients and each other. Performing hand hygiene helps prevent the spread of infection and is one of the most important parts of infection control in healthcare facilities. Hand hygiene includes hand washing with soap and […]
Understanding and Managing Respiratory Illnesses
Respiratory illness season is upon us. These viruses can take root in the nose, mouth, airway, and/or lungs. Illnesses that have been reported are Influenza (flu), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and COVID-19. Common signs and symptoms among all these illnesses can range from fever, cough, runny/stuffy nose, chills, sore throat, and muscle/body aches. Some additional […]
Creating a Safe Practice
First impressions count. Do you know what is the first impression patients have of your practice? Does it include safety? Hopefully your office appearance says well-organized, efficient, and safety centered. As a challenge, the next time you enter your office, walk in the front door and visualize the space as a patient, potential new employee […]