You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan, Now What?

Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a significant achievement for any organization, especially for those handling sensitive data such as healthcare providers. However, having a plan is only the beginning. Ensuring the plan’s effectiveness and compliance with HIPAA regulations requires ongoing actions and detailed attention. Regular Testing and Updates Scheduled Testing: A DRP must […]

Information Blocking Rule Final Disincentives for Healthcare Providers Released

information blocking rule

Health and Human Services (HHS) has finalized disincentives for Information Blocking and healthcare providers. Here is a summary: The HHS rule impacts the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) by penalizing clinicians who engage in information blocking. MIPS eligible clinicians found to be information blockers by the HHS Office of Inspector General will receive a zero […]

It’s Your Call – July 2024

it's your call July 2024

HIPAA: Do surveillance cameras breach HIPAA regulations? Since HIPAA mandates the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI), installing video cameras can result in a violation if they are not placed correctly or used appropriately.   Infection Control: What is the difference between universal, standard, and transmission-based precautions in preventing the spread of infection? Universal precautions […]

Ensuring HIPAA Compliance with Video Surveillance in Healthcare Settings

Safeguarding PHI is required under both the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule. The Security Rule specifically pertains to electronic PHI, which includes video surveillance footage. How to ensure your video surveillance system meets these standards: 1. Administrative Safeguards Administrative safeguards involve creating policies and procedures to protect electronic PHI. For video surveillance this includes: […]

HIPAA, Battling Parents, and Minor’s Health Records

HIPAA and battling parents and minor records

Dealing with a minor’s health records can be a minefield when a child is from a blended family, or the parents have a contentious divorce ongoing. This gets especially sticky when you add in stepparents, grandparents, and situations where a minor controls all or a portion of their own records. Reviewing the basics can help […]

It’s Your Call – June 2024

sharps safety device

OSHA/Infection Control: Can you refuse to use a safety device for a sharp instrument on the basis that it costs too much? By law, you must review your sharps (any device that cuts or punctures the skin) every year. Any new safety devices that have the potential to be safer than what you are using must […]

Safeguarding Reproductive Health Privacy: A Roadmap to HIPAA Compliance

health privacy and reproductive health

In healthcare, privacy remains a fundamental concern, particularly regarding reproductive health care privacy. Recognizing the sensitivity of this area, recent modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule by both the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) signify a pivotal step towards bolstering privacy rights and autonomy for […]

It’s Your Call – May 2024

OSHA: Would OSHA inspect our office if a patient files a complaint about infection control? No. OSHA’s primary goal is to help employers and workers with compliance, reduce work hazards, and prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace. A quick fact sheet about OSHA inspections can be found at   HIPAA: What are […]

Introducing Our New Service: Exclusion Screening for Healthcare Compliance

exclusion screening for healthcare

As healthcare providers navigate the complex web of rules and regulations in compliance, one aspect that needs more attention is exclusion screening of those working with federally funded healthcare programs. We’re excited to announce the launch of our new service, Exclusion Screening, that will assist healthcare organizations in adherence to requirements such as the initial […]

Securing Healthcare: The Crucial Role of Cyber Insurance

cyber insurance

Safeguarding patient data is paramount amidst the looming danger of cyber threats. The necessity of cyber insurance has never been clearer, as its presence or absence can significantly impact the resilience of healthcare providers. Let’s explore the benefits of cyber insurance, the risks faced by those without it, and the effects it has on those […]