Extension Cord Safety

extension cord

The holidays and colder weather are here, and with that comes the increased use of extension cords. These can be used for connecting holiday decorations, lights, small devices, etc. to an electrical source. Extension cords are helpful tools that provide additional outlet space and power for devices or appliances. Caution should be taken when utilizing […]

Keeping Your Facility Safe

Total Medical Compliance has always been a company that focuses on the safety of workers and patients. Over the past several months, we have been in partnership with Jerry McCormick, President of Personal Safety at Work, who has educated both clients and our TMC team members on another aspect of safety: facility safety. His vast […]

It’s Your Call – November 2022

image that says true or false

HIPAA: True or False: If a practice has a website, a current copy of its HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) must be available there. True. The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires covered entities to post the current version of its NPP at a prominent location on their website. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) clarified […]

OSHA and Workplace Stress

Workplace stress and OSHA

In a recent Google search for adjectives to describe the world’s experience with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the illness COVID-19, there was quite a range of emotions voiced. Some of the descriptive terms included: frightening, enlightening, paralyzing, loss, fear, and gain. Whatever term or terms you might use, the word stressful does comes to mind. […]

Website Privacy Policies and HIPAA’s Notice of Privacy Practices

If you have spent any time on the Internet, you have been asked what you would like a website to do with its cookies. A cookie is information saved by your web browser. Cookies are like flags that allow a website to recognize and remember your device if you return to that site in the […]

OCR Right Of Access Enforcements – A Message to Dental Practices

OCR logo

The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently settled three more investigations in the Right of Access Initiative it started in 2019. All three of the new enforcements involved dental practices, bringing the total number of access initiative enforcements to 41. The enforcements also come with a message directly to all dental practices from the […]

It’s Your Call – October 2022

OSHA: Does OSHA require our office to have written policies and protocols about workplace violence?

OSHA:  Does OSHA require our office to have written policies and protocols about workplace violence? OSHA has no specific standard for workplace violence. However, they could cite a facility under the General Duty Clause which requires employers to provide their employees with a place of employment that is “free from recognized hazards that are causing […]

It’s Your Call – September 2022


OSHA: If we have an employee less than a year, are we obligated to keep their medical records? No, the medical record can be given to the worker upon termination if they were employed less than a year. Medical records would include medical and employment questionnaires, laboratory tests, pre-employment exams, first aid records, treatment descriptions […]

It’s Your Call August 2022

dont feed the phish

OSHA: How should our office prepare for persons who have been exposed to monkeypox? First and foremost, train your employees. They should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of monkeypox. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent potential exposures and know how to treat. Symptoms are typically flu-like with a rash […]

TMC Security Scout on Phishing

security scout doctor compliance

Of all the known cyberattacks that cause a data breach, phishing is the most expensive to remedy. A successful phishing attack most commonly reveals usernames and passwords, which paves the way to the data breach resulting in an average cost of $4.9m for victim organizations worldwide. The costs remain the highest in the healthcare industry […]