Updating our Online Compliance Manuals (eManuals)

online compliance manual

We have exciting news about our online compliance manuals (eManual)! Our eManual is moving to a modern, advanced platform at the end of March! The new TMC eManuals will be powered by ComplianceBridge software. We are updating our eManuals to reduce the time you spend on the administration of your eManual. This new software will […]

It’s Your Call – February 2023

OSHA: Are paper copies of OSHA posters required or can offices display them electronically? Yes, paper copies are required. The 1903.2 Standard also states: “Such notice or notices shall be posted by the employer in each establishment in a conspicuous place or places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Each employer shall take steps […]

The Importance of Managing Conflict at Work

conflict at work

Almost everyone has a story of conflict at work – conflict is inevitable when running a business and working with others. There are many different types of conflict and causes for it, and understanding the nuance in each can help to manage it. Conflict de-escalation techniques can be used in any situation, whether at work, […]

U.S. Department of Labor announces annual adjustments to OSHA civil penalties for 2023

OSHA civil penalty

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor announced changes to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) civil penalty amounts based on cost-of-living adjustments for 2023. In 2015, Congress passed the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act to advance the effectiveness of civil monetary penalties and to maintain their deterrent effect. Under the Act, […]

It’s Your Call – January 2023

it's your call July 2024

OSHA: Which devices use lithium-ion batteries, and what are the concerns? Lithium-ion batteries are used to charge computers, phones, and medical devices such as dental curing lights, cardiac pacemakers, bone-growth stimulators, and glucose monitoring systems. According to The International Association of Fire & Rescue Services, battery-related fires have increased in the last 6 years, although […]

Happy HIPAA New Year!

It is a safe bet that the title of this article would come in last place for the “most popular topic” award. The start of a new year is always a good time to reflect and also look ahead and do our best to prepare. Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services […]

OSHA Requirements for Eyewash Stations

eye wash station sign

Caustic and corrosive chemicals are a top concern in most healthcare settings. Employees in hospitals, outpatient clinicians’ practices, and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) have to work in proximity to corrosive or caustic chemicals. These chemicals could splash into the eyes causing eye damage and are a notable work hazard for this staff. The Occupational Safety […]

What’s New in Online Training for 2023?

online learning how-to all subscriptions

Thanks to your feedback, we have made our online training even better! We made our first 2023 functionality improvement to our online training! In the past, we have not saved certificates year after year. We changed that with your feedback in mind. Past certificates for each user will sit under “Reports” in All Subscriptions. Current […]

Security Scout on Holiday Phishing Scams

Phishing email example

Be on the Lookout for Holiday Masqueraders! The holidays and end of the year rush makes you more likely to fall victim to a phishing scam and the bad guys know that. It’s important to know hat to look out for at work and at home to keep you, your family, and your workplace safe. […]

It’s Your Call – December 2022

exit sign

OSHA: How many exit routes are necessary in the workplace? Per OSHA, at least two exit routes must be available for prompt and safe evacuation during an emergency, and these two routes must be located as far away from each other as practical. Single exit routes are permitted when the number of employees, building size, […]