It’s Your Call – September 2023
HIPAA: What is the difference between Phishing, Vishing, and Smishing? Phishing, vishing, and smishing are all types of cybercrimes that involve social engineering techniques to deceive individuals and gain unauthorized access to personal information, such as passwords, credit card details, or financial data. While they share similarities, each term refers to a specific method used […]
Preventing Needlestick and Sharps Injuries: Your Guide to OSHA Standards and Protocols
Medical and dental practices face numerous health and safety risks every day. One of the most significant, and frequently overlooked, risks are needlestick and sharps injuries. In this comprehensive guide, the following topics will be covered: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards for preventing needlestick injuries, Proper OSHA needle disposal techniques, and The crucial […]
It’s Your Call – August 2023
HIPAA: How do I ensure HIPAA Compliance in patient communication on social media direct messaging? Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become powerful tools for healthcare organizations to engage with patients and provide valuable health-related information. However, healthcare professionals must exercise caution when responding to patient private messages on these […]
Ensuring X-Ray Safety: A Closer Look at OSHA Standards and Portable X-Ray Systems
In healthcare, one of the foremost priorities is ensuring a safe environment for both patients and practitioners. A critical part of diagnosing and treating various conditions in healthcare is the use of X-rays. With this usage comes potential hazards of X-rays and guidelines to maintain safety within a healthcare practice. The Occupational Safety and Health […]
HIPAA and Online Reviews: What Your Practice Needs to Know
A digital presence is essential for maintaining a thriving business, and healthcare practices are no exception. For patients seeking a healthcare provider, they use search engines, your website, and online review sites to understand more about you and your practice. Ninety-three percent of patients consider online reviews in their decision-making process of finding a new […]
Emergency and Fire Preparedness in Healthcare Offices: The OSHA Way
‘Expect the unexpected’ is one phrase that comes to mind when considering how healthcare offices run. An example of an unforeseen event is an emergency and/or fire scenario. These situations can quickly turn a normal day into a life-altering crisis. Data shows there are an average of 5,750 fires reported annually in healthcare facilities, resulting […]
Protecting Privacy: Lessons from the OCR-Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Snooping Settlement
In a digital era where personal information is vulnerable to cyber threats, privacy protection has become more critical than ever. A recent settlement between the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital in Washington state highlights the importance of safeguarding sensitive data. We explore the key details of the settlement and provides […]
It’s Your Call – July 2023
HIPAA: What is snooping under the HIPAA Privacy Rule? Snooping, in the context of HIPAA, refers to unauthorized access or inappropriate disclosure of someone’s personal health information (PHI) by individuals who have access to it in their professional capacity but do not have a legitimate need to know or use that information. Snooping is a […]
What is Code of Conduct and Why is it Important to My Healthcare Practice?
In healthcare, maintaining high ethical standards and responsible practices are paramount to providing quality care and preserving patient trust. To achieve these goals, a healthcare code of conduct (HCC) plays a pivotal role. An HCC is a set of guidelines and principles that govern the behavior and actions of healthcare professionals – it serves as […]
Updated CDC Guidance for COVID-19 After Expiration of Public Health Emergency
With the end of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated its guidance relating to collecting public health data. The CDC updates are as follows: 1. The CDC will no longer receive data to publish the Community Transmission levels of COVID-19. Healthcare facilities should check […]